
Astronomy and Space Exploration Presentations



Upcoming Presentations

                               Apr 15 - Hunterdon County Senior Center, Flemington NJ
James Webb Telescope and the Search for Habitable Planets - 1:30pm


              For more information, visit the host location's Calendar of Events.

                                           (Presentations are in-person except as noted.) 


Online Course - Introduction to Astronomy Part I - Three classes.
       Tuesday evenings: March 18,25, April 1    7pm - 8:30pm

       Register at: The Adult School (Search keyword: Astronomy)



The following programs are offered in-person or via Zoom video conferencing for up to 100 participants.     


Unless labeled for children all programs are geared for adults, but suitable for children grade 5 and above.


An Astronomy Adventure!

Learn about everything that makes up our neighborhood in space - our Solar System. See breathtaking pictures of all the planets, the moons of Jupiter and Saturn and even Pluto! Walk away with a real “feel” for our place in the universe. 


What's New in Astronomy and Space Exploration

Learn about the latest discoveries that have been made by the many robotic exploration missions to the planets, asteroids and comets in our Solar System as well as the latest images from the James Webb Space Telescope.

Also, learn about human space programs planned by the United States, China and several commercial companies!


Living on the International Space Station

Share in the adventure of how astronauts live and work in space! Discover how the absence of gravity affects the human body and what we can do about it. See breathtaking pictures of the Earth from this orbiting laboratory.


James Webb Telescope

Learn how the largest telescope ever launched into space operates and what it has discovered so far. The latest Webb images will be shared and explained. Also, hear about other space telescopes being planned for this decade.


Returning to the Moon with NASA

Learn about SLS - the Space Launch System - NASA's new Moon rocket that will take humans back to the Moon. 
Hear about the missions planned for this decade including a Gateway Station, Moon Landers and more!


Perseverance - NASA's Mars Rover

Learn all about NASA’s latest mission to Mars! The Mars 2020 Rover will look for signs of habitable conditions on Mars in the ancient past as well as for signs of past microbial life itself. The rover will be using a drill to collect core samples and set them aside on the surface of Mars for a future mission to potentially return them to Earth. The mission will also demonstrate technologies for future human expeditions to Mars, such as producing oxygen from the Martian atmosphere, identifying water resources, improving landing techniques, and characterizing weather, dust, and other potential environmental conditions that could affect future astronauts living and working on Mars. Perseverance arrived on Mars February 18, 2021 and is expected to explore the planet for several years.


Exploring our Solar System

Learn about the discoveries that have been made by the many robotic exploration missions to the planets, asteroids and comets in our Solar System. Get a glimpse of future space missions that the United States and other countries have planned.


Exoplanets - Finding Planets around other Stars!

Find out how astronomers are able to detect planets around other stars. Understand the different methods used and all about the amazing spacecraft that are gathering the necessary data. Learn where our planet fits in the census of galactic planets!


Exploring the Night Sky

Learn techniques on how to identify constellations and locate planets and more in the night sky.  Discover what internet resources are available to help the beginning astronomer.

Included will be a demonstration of using a star map to help you explore the sky, as well as how easy it is to view the International Space Station and satellites without the need for a telescope!  A generous amount of time will be set aside for questions.


Children’s Program – Space/Astronomy

   (This program is geared for children in the 3rd - 4th grades.)


This lively program features colorful pictures and videos about astronomy and space flight. Included topics are:

  • Amazing pictures of the planets and a comparison of their sizes.
  • Explore Mars with NASA’s rovers.
  • Living aboard the International Space Station. (Weightlessness – floating & “flying”, eating, space walks and sleeping)
  • How to see the space station pass overhead from your backyard without a telescope.
  • Moon phases and facts.
  • Tonight's sky - what can we see?
  • Want to be an Astronaut?

Amazing Astronomy Pictures and Facts!  

Sit back, relax and enjoy some of the best pictures taken by space probes, telescopes and astronauts on the Space Station!

Learn about the fascinating discoveries made with each image and expand your knowledge of the universe!


Cosmic Collisions!

Asteroids, Comets and Meteors... Oh My! 

Learn about how cosmic collisions have shaped our solar system and what the future may hold. 


Encounter with Pluto and Beyond

Learn how each of our Solar System's planets were discovered and about the space missions that have explored them.
Then learn all about Pluto – a place that was never visited ….. until 2015.

Hear all about New Horizons - NASA’s mission to explore the far reaches of our solar system, Pluto and beyond!

See amazing pictures of this unseen dwarf planet, its moons and more...


Solar Eclipses
North America has recently been very fortunate to witness two solar eclipses! These are truly rare and spectacular astronomical events. Learn about the history of eclipses and how and why they happen. Learn where the next ones will occur and how to prepare for observing these amazing celestial displays of nature!


"Star Trek - A Look Back at The Original Series  

This presentation takes a look back to 1966 to share some interesting facts about the original Star Trek TV series and the cast.

Of course, there will be a few trivia questions for die-hard fans!  

A fun and fascinating presentation.                                

After the presentation, there will be an open discussion for everyone to share their Star Trek memories, experiences and memorabilia.

(Note: This topic will be of interest mainly to adults who remember the TV show. Youth will probably be bored to tears!)




All programs are 1 hour plus time for Q&A.


I have been delivering Space and Astronomy presentations to NJ libraries, social groups and on cruise ships with great success for several years. See feedback comments.


For more information email